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Together we are creating history for women in the arts

From November 10th to 24th we invite you to celebrate the empowerment of women in Art in Venice during the 60th of the Venice Biennale.

"TOGETTHERE with a Woman" is an international exhibition of women's art, which will debut on November 10 in Venice (Italy) in the unique chapel with deep history of the Oratorio dei Crociferi during the 60th Venice Biennale. The exhibition will feature women artists from different parts of the globe: Europe, the USA, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Spanning a variety of artistic genres including graphics, photography, sculpture, digital and artificial intelligence art, installations, performances and more, which will reflect a rich palette of creative expression reflecting the global female experience.


You are invited to the 



by Marika Parsadanelli Wardell

Explore the depths of truth and perception

in a unique project where art unveils reality.

You are invited to the 



by Marika Parsadanelli Wardell

Explore the depths of truth and perception

in a unique project where art unveils reality.

November 16th and November 23nd from 4pm till 5pm

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November 10th from 10am till 4pm

We remember the Greek labyrinth on Kreta, where the murderous minotaur was locked up. Nobody came out alive, except Theseus who conquered the minotaur helped by his love Ariadne.

In Chartres, the circular labyrinth on the cathedral floor invites the solitary walker on a spiritual pilgrimage. The Labyrinth created by Marie Julia Bollansée has a special quality, thanks to the help of her mother who knitted the paths in pure white sheep’s wool. The paths meander between islands of blue tarpaulin. The artist invites the audience to walk this Labyrinth barefoot!

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TOGETTHERE with a Woman


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©2023 by Marika Parsadanelli Wardell

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